The life expectancy list by the United Nations between 2010 – 2015 shows Asian countries like Japan, Hong-Kong topping the list, while our country Nigeria is 194th position.
When you compare the eating culture of these Asian countries to what is obtainable in Nigeria, you will discover that the difference is simply in their dietary system. At a meal in these nations you will find two or three varieties of vegetables, edible seeds,roots and root tubers, fruits, grains,meat and fishes, seaweeds,mushrooms and eggs.
But the opposite is the case here in Nigeria. Most meal majorly comprise of soup and garri, semo or fufu, rice andstew, yam and oil, etc. That is the stomach being almost filled with one type of food on continual basis, from dayto day, month to month and year to year.
It was in this consideration that gave rise to the research on how to produce a super food that incorporates vegetables, seeds grains roots and root tubers, etc, which will be fortified with all types of food and then fit into our eating cultureā¦ so that at a meal table, though single-food, one will obtain the same result as though eaten multiple or different types of meal.